December 27 to 31, 2014

Saturday December 27, 2014.

Of course, I am doing some more caches this morning.  My GPS is telling me it is in that steel post!

A plastic pipe actually passes through the post and the cache is inside the pipe.

Once I am back home, we spend the rest of the day doing little stuff.  The temperature is dropping as the day progress.  By 10 pm, the rain is coming down.  We even have a few lighting and thunder.
Michele lost one of her crown.  We will have to go to Mexico and get it replaced on Monday.


Sunday December 28, 2014.

It rained all night and it is still raining at noon.

After lunch, Michele wants to go shopping at K-Mart.  Good, I have a few caches to check down that way.  While searching for a cache I spotted this tower in the parking lot!

This is not the first time I see one of these.  They belong to the police and are placed here and there, police officer inside or not, we do not know!  Sometimes even the flashing lights are going!  A deterrent for crime?
Therefore, as I am looking for a cache, I keep thinking about this tower and I am wondering when the police cars will be coming around the corner to get me.  I must be looking suspicious while I am looking for the cache.

A nice sunset, we had a maximum of 10 C (50 F) today and for tonight, a little cooler at 6 C (42 F).

The weather forecast for the next few days is 12 to 15 C (60 to 66 F).  We will see if the soothsayers will be right about the forecast.

Monday December 29, 2014.

We are back in Nuevo Progreso, Mexico for a new crown for Michele.

To get to the bridge to Mexico we go through the little village of Progreso.  It looks like a big place!

When I write that we are much appreciated here in the Rio Grande Valley,  I really mean appreciated.  A "Winter Texan" is a snowbird going to Texas.

My dentist cannot fit Michele in the schedule today. Off we go to the next dentist down the road.  Dentist Maria Tuttle is the mother of my dentist?!?!?

Michele gets in right away and gets a temporary crown.  She has to come back at 4 pm for the final installation of the temporary crown.

I got a call from my sister this morning, she told me our mother passed away during the night.  It was not a surprise, but still not fun to hear.  So, between the two dental appointments, we shop online for a flight from San Antonio to Montreal.  San Antonio is 4 hours of driving from Donna, but the saving on the price of airline tickets is worth it.

With our airline tickets in our virtual pocket, we head back to Mexico for the second part of Michele's tooth repair.  Michele sit on the dentist chair at 4 pm and me, I sit at the bar's chair at 4 pm!

She finally comes out of the dentist chair by 6:15 pm.  We drive right back home to get ready for our flight to Montreal tomorrow morning.  At home, I put the chairs away and make sure nothing will fly away from the wind during our absences.  Michele gets the diner ready and starts packing the luggage.  I also go and ask Andre and Louise to keep an eye on our place while we are away.
Later on the evening, we skyped with Rolland and Christianne for the final details regarding my mother.  Estelle cannot Skype with us because she forgot her password!

Schedule for the next two days.  Tomorrow morning we leave Donna at 5 AM, on the plane from San Antonio to Houston at noon and we should be in Montreal by 7ish pm.  Estelle will pick us up at the airport, I hope!

Tuesday December 30, 2014.

We are on the road a few minutes before this time.

Within a mile from home, I stop to get a nice, hot coffee for the road.

With about four hours of driving ahead of us, we need some fuel...

We finally made it to San Antonio.  We still have to get through the city to get to the airport but it is not an issue.

The road was good, I drove mostly at around 80 mp/h (130 km/h).
A photo of our parking spot so we can find the car again when we come back!!! 

This is the weather in San Antonio before we left.

A "book booth", yes, you can download a book from the San Antonio library.  What a great idea!
Our first airplane is a CRJ700 from Bombardier, it is set up for about 70 passengers.  We are on our way to Houston and in about one hour, we should be on our connecting flight to Montreal.
Once in Houston, we have to go from terminal A to terminal C in less than 30 minutes.  It is a good thing they have some kind of train/shuttle between terminals...

Our next plane is the Embraer-175 with a capacity of 76 passengers.

One flight attendant had a face like she was made in plastic!  Weird... 

We leave Houston behind.

Somewhere over the United States.

A little wine never hurts...

This is the food we took with us for our snack, hummmm!

We have a nice sunset.

Here we are coming for a landing in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

My sister Estelle and her husband Robert are picking us up at the airport.  A big surprise is waiting for us, our youngest son it also waiting for us at the airport.

From L to R, Denis, Benoit, Michele and Estelle.

Our youngest son, Benoit.
Benoit has to go back to his place, but is still good to see him even for just 15 - 20 minutes.  We will be staying at Estelle and Robert's place for the next few days.  We talked with Estelle and Robert pretty late in the evening before we finally made it to bed.

Wednesday December 31, 2014.

Estelle was with mom when she passed away and she related the last few hours before mom passed.  She also told me that the staff at the home where she was living were very very good and so respectful.

I am showing some stuff on the laptop to Estelle.

My brother-in-law, Robert!

We move on the living room to continue our conversation.

Estelle and Robert's kids are coming for New Years Eve diner.  A nice holiday table.

From L to R, Robert, me, Marilyne with her baby still growing inside her, Guillaume.

On Guillaume's left, Coraly, his daughter sitting on Estelle's lap.

Our hosts, Estelle and Robert.

This photo is out of focus because Robert is soo busy!!!

Busy all the time.

L to R, Marilyne, Charles, Robert, Guillaume and Marylou.

Estelle join in the photo.

Robert, Guillaume, Marylou, Andrea and Simon.

Coraly does not have a problem sleeping with all the noise around her.

Coraly is such a quiet baby.  She is a sweet heart.

Simon and Andrea.

Charles and Marilyne.

Shoot, no photo of Marylou, Guillaume and Coraly before they left...

We wish all of you a very Happy New Year 2015.

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