November 25 to 30, 2014.

Tuesday November 25, 2014.

A relax day for us.  The sun is shining, but the high for today is only +20 C with a cool wind.  I know I am complaining, but it is what it is.

I skyped with my brother for a little while this morning.

A cute bird taking a dust bath.  Charles told me it is an Inca Dove.

In Texas, they have a lots of fire ants and I mean lots of them.  They only way to get rid of them is to poison them with powerful stuff.  It is a Terro product and it comes in a powder form of granular form.  You need both as you want to get the tiny ants too. You need to apply the stuff two or 3 times for it to kill them all.

Two view of our site.

Every Tuesday a produce truck with two trailers comes to the park between one and three o'clock.  The prices are pretty good.


Wednesday November 26, 2014.

The flea market next to the RV Park is open today.  We are off for some shopping.
It is a big flea market.  This is the open part.

The biggest part of the flea market is under a roof.

It is +77 F and we finish the afternoon in the pool.  Some photos of the pool and spa.

A friend from the park told us that you could still get satellite TV from Canada.  He is with the same provider as me.  Therefore, I try again to get connected with the co-ordinates he gave me. 

It turns out I cannot connect with the satellite.  Oh well!  We got the cable with 200 channels for the next two months anyway.
Tomorrow is Thanks Giving in the States, hummm!


Thursday November 27, 2014.

I went out for a bike ride this morning.  I went to the little town of Donna.  I ended up doing 11 kilometers.

I also texted our oldest son, Jeremy, and wished him a Happy Birthday.

The Thanks Giving meal is at 1 pm today.
The Park supplies the hams and the turkeys, but we, the campers, do the potluck for the rest of the foodstuff.

One big "carport" for the motorhome!

We are sitting with a group of French-Canadian (Quebecers) and got talking so we forgot to take a photo of the hall and the food.  This is the only one...

After we got home, we had to do a garbage run plus a stop at the Park library.

The rest of the day was mostly reading and working on this blog.


Friday November 28, 2014.

Today is Black Friday!  It is going to be crazy in the stores today, but also the best deals!

We are on our way to find Thrift Shops in the area.  Michele loves Thrift Shops, I like them too, but enough to spend one hours in each of them!
Alamo, the little town west of Donna.

Pharr is the next town and our destination is McAllen.  The next town.

There are lots of traffic lights on "US 83 Business".

After about four Thrift Shops, we stop for our lunch.  Two jumbo dogs and a pop for $2.19 + taxes!  You cannot beat that!

After all the Thrift Shops, we started to shop for my new bike.  My old one was very good at one time, but it was time for it to go!
My old bike in the front and my new bike, minus the front wheel, in the background!

Now a little closer.  Why is the front wheel missing?  In Texas they have what they call "sand burrs" or "grass burr"and when they are dry they will puncture you bicycle tires if you ride on them.  The problem is you cannot see them all the time.  The wind blows them around.  Therefore, I bought an item that will help to prevent a flat to occur because of the burrs.  Tomorrow I will show you what this is all about.

I transferred all the accessories to the new bike.  My new bike is a Schwinn, should I give it a name?  Any suggestion? 

A few days ago, we purchased some chicken breast for Fajita.  They are already marinated.  The red circle is to show you the price per pound.  Here it is $1.47 US and I checked back home, Trenton, Ontario and it was on sale for $3.24 CDN a pound!

The chicken breasts are all cooked, one breast is missing form the photo and the marinating gives it a nice little spicy taste.

Another good day!


Saturday November 29, 2014.

I told you I was going to put photos of what I did to the bike tires and the burrs!  Well here they are.  The burrs.

When they are dry, they are worst!

Even mountain bike tires cannot resist to the burrs.  I got extra thick tubes and I bought the plastic band that you place inside the tire between the tube and the tire!

This morning we are at the Mercadome, the BIG flea market of the Valley.  It is in the town of Alamo.

They have lots of stalls with new stuff like this store with cowboys boot.

We have learned that here is the valley, the Latinos like what is called "Ropa" stores.  Ropa simply means clothing.  Let me explain, in these bags you have all kinds of clothes.

In the flea market, the stall owner open tables and simply dump all the clothes on the table without sorting them out first.  You just have to dig in to find what you want!
Prices vary between $0.25 and $1.00 per item.

Same for the shoes and boots, even hats and underwear!!!

This is a real Chihuahua.

We have lunch at the flea market.
We are not too sure what we ordered!

Michele's meal is a potato turn into mash potato with cheese and beef.

We went by the photo!  Papa Asada Con Carne is what she has!


Tacos de Bistect y Maiz.  Basically, corn tacos with beef.

Five minutes after we got home Charles and Agnes turn up.  We talked for a little bit.  They are on their way to another flea market.

We also made plans to got to Mexico Monday morning and have lunch in Nuevo Progreso.  We will also check out a few dentists that were recommended to us.  I need to get my implant finishes.


Sunday November 30, 2014.

I am off for a bike ride with my new bike this morning.  During my ride, I saw something we do not see in Canada.  This store is a drive-thru to get beer, chips and energy drinks. You drive in and tell the person what you want, you pay and he put it in your car and you drive out!!!

A look inside, I will have to try that this winter!

Shoot!  For the first time we have an infestation of ants in the motorhome!
The war is on!
I put a bait container and less than five minutes later the ants are hard at work getting the bait into the nest.  45 minutes later, there are only two of three ants working at it. One hour after that and no ants visible!

Ants are a common problem here is southern Texas.

By three o'clock, we are at the pool, or should I say Michele is at the pool.  I am on the side of the pool.  The pool water does not like my skin or vice-versa.  I end up with skin rash as I did in Yuma last winter!

We talked with some very nice people from Québec.  They are very nice people.

What a week!

Until next time.

Life is good!

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