17 to 20 November, 2014.

Monday November 17, 2014.

We went for a little grocery shopping with Charles this morning.

We also stopped for a quick look at the liquor store next door.

My goodness!  This store has about 10 bottles altogether.  People don't drink in this town!

After lunch, we went geocaching with Charles and Agnes.  It is their first time geocaching.
Here I am reading some information and hints about this cache.

The first cache is located in the small cemetery called Gustavo A Dias.  The arrow indicates the location of the cache.

We have to be careful before we can put our hands in the cache.  This is Texas and there are some nasty bug and snakes here!

The container.

The content.  You take something and you leave something.  You also write your name and date you found the cache.

The hitching post between Charles and me.

We are off to the next cache.  We think Charles and Agnes are hooked on this activity.

The majorities of the caches in Goliad are located in cemeteries.

This is one big caterpillar, about two inches long.

This cache is located in one of the fence post.  Can you see the container?

Sometime the containers are very small like this one.

This cemetery had three caches.

Bad luck or lack of preparedness, my GPS batteries died on us during the last three caches.  Playing with the GPS, I managed to make it work just long enough to find the caches.

This photo is for Michele's brother.  His name is Patrice.

Charles and Agnes joined us for diner tonight.

We played Mexican Train and laughed so much!

We walked about 6 miles today.


Tuesday November 18, 2014.

We are visiting the "Mission Espiritu Santo".
The Mission was established by Spain in 1722 to convert the local tribes to the Catholic religion.
The Mission was moved to this location in 1749.  The Mission was also a working Ranch with more than 40,000 cattles.

Part of the gang.

The wheels used in this area during that time were different from the one up north.  They have no spoke and are completely filled wheel.

The small bells used during mass.

This chapel is very simple yet beautiful. 

The statue representing Jesus and other characters are different looking than ours in Canada.  The reason is the Spanish influence.
At the time, the Spanish Catholic religion was more centered on suffering and fear.  Notice the statue of Marie, she has a knife/sword in her heart.  This represents her suffering at seeing her son on the cross.

Our guide was very good.  We were the only one with him so we got the "extra" tour.  He gave us a lot more information then he usually gives.

Usually, you cannot go behind the fence area, but with us, we went and looked a lot closer at everything.

He also showed us this leave.  It feels like sandpaper.

This is what they call Ball Moss.  It is not a parasite plant.  It only hang on something and grows in to a ball shape plant.

The funny guy is Charles!

Now a little more serious.

Since the Mission is in a State Park, we went for a walk on one of the trails.  We even looked for one more cache.  This one was not a micro size one!

Here is one that is micro size.

Another small one, can you see it in the middle of the photo?

Charles is opening one of the cache we found.

The treasures inside.

 This was a very good day with good friends.


Wednesday November 19, 2014.

We left our friends behind, they have company coming for a visit  We are on our way to Victoria.  It is about 30 miles east of here.

This is the Victoria county courthouse.  It was built in 1892 and restored in 2001.  It was voted one of the top ten favorite's historic courthouse in Texas.

We tour the inside of the courthouse, but we have to be careful, a trial is going on.
We went in those doors and watched a trial going on for about 15 minutes.  Of course we could not take any photo in court.

A birds eye view of Victoria in 1873.

Some more photos of the inside.  Notice the arrow pointing at what looks like smiley faces!

A water fountain with blue water???

A monument to the Confederate soldiers.

Our reflection from an office window, I wonder what the person on the other side was thinking!

This mural represents a business street in the early twentieth century.

The "Fossati's Delicatessen" is considered the oldest deli in Texas.

We had lunch in here.

In addition, it was good!

The "Street of Ten Friends" as it was known for a long time, was named "Main Street" after.  Why this name?  Read about it below.

The next photos are about some of the old and pretty houses of Victoria.

This one is here because I cannot believe some people lives there!

 Back to the pretty houses.

Our next place to visit the "Museum of the Coastal Bend".

A quote from the brochure. "This museum showcases the region's rich multicultural heritage".
Here are some spear points, not arrow points, they did not have bow and arrows here 13,000 years ago!

So, they used spears!
To give the spear more power, they invented the Atlatl or the spear-thrower.

Our first "Longhorn", in a photo!

I think this is cool. 

Some of the branding marking from the area.

We had a very good visit in Victoria.


Thursday November 20, 2014.

Charles and Agnes are leaving us this morning.  Sniff, sniff!

Agnes hard at work, Charles is also working hard.

I watch them getting ready to leave!!!

We have decided to stay until Sunday.  We need more relaxing time!

For the  last few days I was working on the latest update to our blog.  At the same time learning the ins and outs of blogger.  In the end, this move to blogger will make it easier for me.

On this, I hope you will continue to follow our travels.

P.S.  Remember, you can sign up to receive an email to let you know I have updated our blog.  Also, feel free to post a comment or question about our travels or us.

Until next time.

Life is goood!

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